It takes a village...
Fresh out of the kiln lanterns, a slim tall house and a church.
They will add a touch of magic to any corner of your home, imagine a mini village displayed on a mantel or a couple of dreamy chalet houses erected on a living room table.
I love the little touch of cutting out the windows for the light to shine through, an invitation for kids to imagine who might be the tiny inhabitants of these small fantasy dwellings.
You can use battery-powered tea lights, or real candle tea lights if you set the houses on a fire safe spot. Either way, they make for a stunning, classy nighttime feature.
Happy 4th of July!
Summer as in Sunflowers (as seen in the July/Aug issue of Marie Claire Idees)
It's always so refreshing to see how others display and use my work! I just stumbled upon a photo of my white bottle in the July/Aug issue of Marie Claire Idees and had to share it with you! It inspires me to make some wall art to go with it now, LOL!
Marietta :)